A Mantine component that replicates the progress rings of Apple Watch.
After installation import package styles at the root of your application:
You can import styles within a layer @layer mantine-rings-progress
by importing @gfazioli/mantine-rings-progress/styles.layer.css
Mantine RingProgress
We're using a custom version of the
component from themantine
library to render the rings.
The label
prop can be a string or a component. Try to change the label on the above configurator. You may use also an emoji 😊 or a custom component.
The label
prop can be a string or a component.
Despite the RingProgress
component from the mantine
library has a tooltip
prop, we discourage its use. The tooltip will be rendered on the top of the rings and it will be hard to read the label.
Example: Countdown
Below, another example of the RingProgress
component from the mantine
library. This time, we're using it to render a countdown.